Sesquicentennial Celebration
Save the date for the big Sesquicentennial Celebration! Happening 5 years later due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pocahontas’s big birthday bash will take place on July 18 - 20, 2025 in conjunction with Heritage Days and the County Fair. We hope you’ll join us!
Chamber Annual Events
Discover the local Pocahontas events organized and/or promoted by the Chamber! This page is just a description of events - for the actual date of the events in the year, please visit our calendar page. Plan accordingly for a lot of fun and good laughs when attending one of our events!
Elbert Park Project
The Chamber of Commerce and Pocahontas Hometown Pride Committee teamed up with the City to help make improvements at Elbert Park. View the master plan for the improvement project, see business donors, learn history of the park, and find what the current projects are by visiting the park page.
Chamber Calendar
Keep tabs on what is happening and when in Pocahontas each year! Bookmark our calendar of events and follow our Facebook page to keep up with events as they are announced and details are shared with the community. Photo courtesy of the Record-Democrat.

155th Celebration
The Pocahontas Chamber of Commerce is proud to be the head coordinator for the Pocahontas, IA sesquicentennial celebration. Although it was originally delayed from 2020, it is now well underway in planning for this summer! SAVE THE DATES FOR JULY 18 - 20! You won’t want to miss being in Pocahontas the third weekend of July to enjoy the celebration, happening in conjunction with the County Fair! Stay connected with us on our YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram pages.